From The Classroom To The Workplace. Communities of color are still fighting to obtain an equally high level of education that can ensure their children’s future success and opportunities for a better life, no matter where they live or how much money their families make.
For adults in the workplace, having digital skills will secure viability, and ultimately, survival in the workplace. Technology skills will transfer across almost any industry and department. And they could make the difference between getting the job or missing out; effective or inefficient working, and being tuned in or tuned out.
How prepared are you for changes in the education of your children or your own advancement in the workplace where technology reigns? Doni Holloway of Bloomberg News will host the discussion with Joyce Burges, CEO & Co-Founder National Black Home Educators; Deena Pierott, Founder iUrban Teen and Angela Valentine, Founder, ADV Scholars.
The sessions will be live on Facebook on the #MOBESymposium page, and on the YouTube channel, MOBE Symposium.
Winning In The Digital Age of Learning
#blackowned #LegacyMatters #onlyatmobe #mobeaccelerates #OurCultureInfluencesTheWorld #womenintech #digitallearning #bloombergnews #ADVScholars #iurbanteen #blackwomeninstem #NationalBlackHomeEducators